Walk summary: “Watching the sun” in an early age group (1.6-3 years)

Walk. Watching the movement of the sun

Lydia Narezhnaya
Walk. Watching the movement of the sun

Pedagogical goal: to develop the cognitive interests of children, to cultivate sustained attention, observation , and love of nature; consolidate knowledge about the parts of the day; develop rhythmic, expressive speech, reaction speed, running speed; precision of movements and eye .

Educational targets: shows interest in natural objects; is proactive in conversation, answers questions, asks counter questions; listens carefully to an adult reading; shows a desire for work activities, complies with the conditions of the game, and shows interest in a variety of physical exercises.

Educational areas being mastered: “Socio-communicative development”

“Cognitive development”
“Speech development”
“Artistic and aesthetic development”
“Physical development”

Observing the sun.

Educational and creative project on the theme “Early Spring. International Women's Day March 8th"

Project author: teacher

Grishina T.P.

Duration : short term

Participants : children of the younger group, teachers, music director, parents.

Directions of development and education of children second

Junior group

-Social and communicative development

-Cognitive development

-Speech development

-Artistic and aesthetic development

-Physical development

Relevance of the topic : The mother is considered the guardian of the family. And, of course, it is the mother who plays an important role in the life of every person. The development of the relationship between a preschool child and mother is of great importance for the development of the child’s personality. Unfortunately, children often associate love for their mother only with material values, and not spiritual ones.

And, it is no coincidence that among the many holidays celebrated in our country, “March 8” occupies a special place. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent.

The holiday “March 8” serves as a reminder of the need for respect for the work of mothers in the family and society. And no matter how many good, kind words are said to mothers, no matter how many reasons they come up with for this, they will not be superfluous. From their mother, children receive affection, tenderness, kindness and sensitivity to people, and from their father - courage, willpower, the ability to fight and win. Only the combination of these qualities forms a full-fledged personality.

This project is aimed at introducing children to universal human values, love for the closest and dearest person - mother, through an integrated approach of educational areas.

Problem: children have little knowledge of the seasonal characteristics of their native land. Children in this group love nature, but they have too little life experience and knowledge. They are not familiar with the origin of certain phenomena and processes in nature. They cannot answer your questions. They are very inquisitive and want to know everything, so the teachers decided to carry out in-depth work to familiarize children with nature through educational and research activities.

Objective of the project:

Expand your understanding of early spring. To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, the ability to notice the beauty of spring nature. Expand your understanding of seasonal changes and the simplest connections in nature. Develop children's creative and constructive abilities and basic mathematical concepts. Introduce the spring holiday of March 8, cultivate respect and a feeling of love for the mother.

Project objectives:

1. Learn to notice changes in nature: it is getting warmer, people are putting on jackets and boots.

2. Develop the ability to see the beauty of the spring landscape. Learn to admire weather changes (the sky turns blue, the sun comes out and it gets warmer outside, the snow melts and the first thawed patches appear).

3. Develop the ability to treat nature with care.

4. Teach children to read short poems, sing songs about spring, mother, grandmother.

5. Deepen children’s knowledge about the role of mother in their lives, through revealing the image of the mother in poetry, painting, music, fiction,

6. Cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards mother.

7. Develop children's creative abilities in productive and musical activities

8. Creating conditions for the social and moral development of children in the process of nurturing love and mutual understanding with the closest person - their mother.

Working with parents:

-design of a wall newspaper on the topic: “Happy holiday, dear mommy!”

— matinee “Mother’s Day”

Final event: celebration.

Expected result:

- children show interest in seasonal changes in nature, participate in conversations while looking at illustrations and books, answer questions, and are emotionally responsive. The presence of a positive emotional attitude and interest in the content of the games together with the teachers conveys the beauty of the surrounding nature in the drawing.

- vocabulary will be replenished;

- parents will become active and interested in the educational process of children.

-enriching children’s knowledge about the role of mother in their lives, through revealing the image of the mother in poetry, painting, music, and fiction.

- children’s awareness of a kind, caring attitude towards their mother.

- children's awareness of the need to be merciful and take care of older people.

-development of children's creative abilities in productive and musical activities.

-creating conditions for the social and moral development of children in the process of nurturing love and mutual understanding with the closest person - their mother.

Stages of work on the project:

Preparatory stage.

Defining the goals and objectives of the project.

Drawing up a plan for the main design stage.

Studying sites with samples of crafts.

Studying literature containing examples of making crafts.

Main stage.

Reading with children poems about mom, proverbs, sayings, stories about mom, getting to know works of art about mom.

upcoming holiday.

Productive activities together with children (modeling, applique, drawing)

Notifying parents about upcoming wall newspapers, selecting photographs.

Final stage.

Holiday "Mother's Day".

Preparatory stage

EventsResponsibleExpected Result
1Selection of materials on the project topicTeacher ParentsCreating a base for project implementation
2.Drawing up a plan for the main design stageEducatorA strategy for solving problems has been developed

Main stage


Topic: “I bake pancakes.”

Goal: Continue to learn how to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a piece and roll them into balls; press the plasticine ball with your index finger, attaching it to the base; smear the plasticine on the cardboard using a pressing movement of the index finger; develop an interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills.

Observing the sun.

Goal: to teach children to see the relationship between our mood and the weather.

Artistic word:

"You warm the whole world

And you don’t know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you ( sun


Life situation: why is everything so beautiful on the street, why are the sparrows chirping loudly?

It's all because of the sun: it illuminated everything around, everyone felt warm and happy.

Summary of educational activities at the weather site with children of the second junior group of the preschool educational institution “Solnechnye Luchi”

Summary of the lesson at the “Sun Rays” weather site.
Second junior group Second junior group Goal: development of observation of natural phenomena. Objectives: • teach to observe the phenomena of inanimate nature, analyze and draw conclusions; • expand and clarify children's knowledge about the sun, the properties of solar rays; • develop thinking, learn to independently draw conclusions based on observation results; • enrich and replenish your vocabulary. Preliminary work: learning greetings, talking about the sun, observing the heating of objects in the sun while walking, learning the outdoor game “Sunny Bunnies”. Weather conditions: partly cloudy, with bright sunshine. Equipment: mirror, bowl of water, sheet of white cardboard.
Progress of the lesson

Children and the teacher go to the weather site.
Educator: Guys, please tell me what the weather is like today? Children's answers. Educator: That's right - sunny, warm, clear. The sky is clear, the sun is shining brightly. Children mark the weather conditions on a weather stand. The teacher and the children read the poem: A cloud is hiding behind the forest, The sun is looking from the sky - And so pure, kind, radiant. If we could get him, We would kiss him. Educator: Guys, is it possible to get the sun? That's right, you can't! We can see the sunlight, feel its warmth and play with the sun's rays. Observation "Sunshine". The teacher takes out a mirror, uses the mirror to catch a ray and draws the children’s attention to how the sun’s “bunny” moves across the weather site. Educator: Look how quickly the sunbeam moves. Here he is on a bench on the sunny side, here he is in the shadows on the wall. Where is the sun's ray more visible in the shade or in the sun? Children's answers. Educator: Guys, our little ray of light has disappeared! What happened? Children's answers. Educator: That’s right, the sun hid behind a cloud, through which the sun’s rays cannot reach us. Look, the wind drove away the cloud, and the sunbeam returned to us! Let's play together with a ray of sunshine the fun game "Sunny Bunnies". Medium mobility game “Sunny Bunnies”. At the signal from the teacher “Sun”, children jump freely around the playground; at the signal “Cloud” they crouch and hide behind their palms. The game is repeated 2-3 times. Observation: “Warm and cold objects” Educator: Guys, you know that the sun not only shines, but also warms everything around. Look, the little ray jumped onto the bench. Oh, how warm it is! Touch the bench, what is it like: warm or not? What heated her up? Yes, sun rays! In the summer the sun is very hot - it also warmed up the bench. Now the bunny jumped onto the stones, into a basin of water. The children, together with the teacher, walk around the weather site and find out that the table, water in the bowl, fence, stand, etc. have become warm. Educator: What heated the objects? Children's answers. Educator: That's right, sun rays. Educator: Now let’s touch the bench (stand, stones) on the other side, what is it like? Children's answers. Educator: That’s right, in the shade, all objects are colder because the sun’s rays did not transfer their heat to them. Do you have a shadow? Children's answers. Shadow game "Shadows on the wall." Educator: You can come up with many fun games with the shadow. Using your hands, draw the shadow of a barking dog, flying bird, etc. on the wall. Educator: Well done guys! Let's look at our shadows again, what color are they? Children's answers. Educator: The color of the shadow is the same as that of the object on which it lies. It's just less bright. But all the colors of the rainbow are hidden in a ray of sunshine. Do you want to see them? Children's answers. Experiment "Rainbow Effect". We split visible sunlight into individual colors - we reproduce the effect of a rainbow. Procedure: Place a bowl of water in a sunny place. Place a small mirror in the water, leaning it against the edge of the bowl. Turn the mirror at an angle so that sunlight falls on it. Then, moving the cardboard in front of the bowl, find the position where the reflected “rainbow” appeared on it. Educator: Did you guys like playing with a ray of sunshine? What new did you learn today? Children's answers . Educator: Well done. That's right: the sun's rays heat and illuminate everything around you and me. Now I suggest you draw a rainbow on the asphalt with multi-colored crayons.

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Observation in the second junior group of the pre-school educational institution “Visiting the Sun”

Summary of a walk in kindergarten.
Junior group Theme of the walk: “Visiting the sun” Goals: To consolidate knowledge about the sun as a phenomenon of inanimate nature. Objectives: Integration of educational areas “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Physical development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”. Objectives: To clarify children’s knowledge that in the spring the sun shines brightly and begins to get hot.
Develop children’s coherent speech (answer the teacher’s questions, engage in dialogue). To foster a friendly attitude towards each other; Equipment and materials: sun made of paper. Progress of the walk

The teacher tells the children that while they were studying, the sun from the group ran away into the sky, he was tired of sitting behind a cloud, he needed to warm everyone up.
Children watch the sun through colored glass, sunglasses, and colored mica. Compare the shapes of the sun with a circle and a square. The teacher offers to warm your palms, feel the warmth of the sun, and asks you to find objects on the playground that have warmed up from the heat of the sun. Game - fun: “Catch a sunny bunny” (with a mirror) Goals: to amuse children, to please, to activate through running and jumping. Reading the poem : “Caring Sun” Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about the phenomena of inanimate nature; develop motor skills and coordination of movements. The teacher says that the sun was with the children all day, we need to thank him and read him a poem. “Only we will not just read, but also show the content of the poem with our movements.” In the morning the sun rises high, Raise your hands up with open palms away from you, spread them to the sides.
In the evening it goes deep.
They lower their hands down, bending slightly.
During the day it walks across the sky.
They raise their hands up, showing that they are “holding” the ball, “passing” it from left to right.
Warms everyone, spreading its rays widely.
Hands to the side.
He gently strokes the leaves and flowers,
strokes himself on the head, on the hand.
It turns gold on people's cheeks and noses.
They stroke their cheeks and nose.
The day has passed, and from the sky to the rest of the Sun the ball sets behind the mountain.
Hands raise up, “make” a ball, “lower” it down.

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Observing the sun in winter lesson plan on the world around us (junior group)

Walk Winter. Observing the sun. Goal: Continue acquaintance with natural phenomena. Clarify children's knowledge that in winter the sun shines and does not warm at all. Clouds often appear in the sky and hide the sun. It almost never appears in the sky. Give an idea of ​​the signs of winter. Encourage children to spend a long time in the fresh air, even when it is cold and frosty. Maintain a joyful mood.

Independent activity for children: bring out scoops, molds, buckets, spatulas for playing with snow. Invite children to make cakes and ice cream out of snow. Take out the sleds and ice cubes for skating along the paths and down the hills.

Research activities.

Purpose: Show children that water in a bottle that is under the snow freezes more slowly than water in a bottle that is on the snow.

Educator: Guys, I have two bottles of water. We will put one bottle on the snow, and we will bury the other in the snow. Let's see where water freezes faster.

Observing the sun.

Questions: 1. What day is it today: sunny or cloudy? 2. How did you know that today is a clear day? 3. Look at the sky, guys. What do you see? (The sun is barely visible because of the clouds). 4. Where does the sun rise? 5. What kind of sun? (Round, pale, not very large). 6. What does the sun look like? (On the ball). 7. What is the weather today? (Cool). 8. How does the sun warm? (The sun is shining, but it’s not warm at all).

Artistic word:

Bright sun, dress up, Red sun, show yourself, Put on a scarlet dress, Give us a red day! A. Prokofiev.

Didactic game “Let's treat the sun to a cake”:

Goal: Continue teaching children how to make a cake out of snow using molds. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards others. Create a desire to please others.

Labor activity:

Clearing paths on site.

Goal: Continue to instill in children a desire to participate in work and provide assistance to adults. To teach and encourage to maintain cleanliness and order in the area. Teach children to work together, to receive joy from the work performed and its result.

Educator: Guys, our janitor is old and does not have time to remove the snow in the areas. It is very difficult for him to bend over and shovel snow with a large shovel, to clear paths of snow - look how much of it there is on our site. The weather did its best and piled up a lot of snow. Let's help the janitor clear the snow from the paths. You are strong and fast. We will pile the snow near the trees. Why do you think? Trees are cold in winter, their roots are poorly covered with snow. You already know that it is warmer under the snow. And if we cover the tree roots with snow, they will not freeze.

Outdoor game: “Give a snowball to the sun.”

Goal: To teach the rules of turn in the game, requiring the same actions with one common object. Develop accuracy. Learn to hit the target.

Take out the basket and make snowballs. Throwing snowballs into a basket. Who will give the sun the most snowballs?

Outdoor game: “Sunny bunnies”.

Goal: Develop dexterity. Encourage independent, active actions. Create joy from completed actions.

Educator: Guys, look how beautiful the sunbeams are. They want to play with you.

The teacher makes sunbeams with a mirror.

Educator: The little runners are jumping - Sunny Bunnies. We call them, they don’t come, They were here - and they are not here. Jump, jump around the corners... Where are the bunnies? Gone. Haven't you found them anywhere? A. Brodsky

Beckon with your finger and catch bunnies.

Children try to catch "bunnies".

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