Quiz game for children of the preparatory group “Experts of safety rules”

Two teams can play: a children's team against a parent's team, mixed child-adult teams of two different groups, or two children's teams.
Quiz questions can be written on cards, which team players take turns drawing from a common pile or from some “stash.” A cardboard model of a fire extinguisher, a bucket or a fireman's helmet will perfectly serve as a hiding place. The presenter can draw cards. Answers to questions are written on the back of the card (if the leader draws the card) or on a paired card if the team members themselves conduct the draw. For each correct answer, players receive badges with the image of a fire extinguisher, or a fireman putting out a fire, or a picture illustration for the children's nursery rhyme "Tili-bom". Since the quiz includes questions of varying difficulty, the answers are scored with different numbers of points and, accordingly, badges. The team with the most badges at the end of the game wins.

Quiz questions and answers

What is the name of the profession of people who fight fire? (1 point)


Why are firefighters called by phone “01”? (1 point)

“01” is the simplest and shortest number, it is easy to remember. This number is easy to dial even in the dark and by touch.

Why is the fire truck red? (1 point)

Red, so that from afar it can be seen that a fire truck is driving, to which it is necessary to give way. Red is the color of fire.

How do firefighters dress? (2 points)

Firefighters wear a canvas suit. It doesn't burn, doesn't get wet. A helmet protects the head from blows, mittens on the hands, and boots on the feet. To work in fire and smoke, firefighters need breathing apparatus.

Name works that mention fire? (2 points)

S. Marshak “Fire”, “Cat’s House”, “The Story of an Unknown Hero”; K. Chukovsky “Confusion”; L. Tolstoy “Fire Dogs”; E. Permyak “From the fire to the cauldron”; "Fire is a dangerous game."

Why are fires dangerous? (1 point)

In a fire, things, an apartment, and even an entire house can burn down. But the main thing is that people can die in a fire.

What else is dangerous about fire besides fire? (2 points)

Smoke is worse than fire. It’s easy to get lost in a smoky room and not find a way out. It's difficult to breathe.

Why in the old days could a fire destroy an entire city? (1 point)

Previously, all houses were built of wood, they were built close to each other.

How can you extinguish a starting fire? (1 point)

A fire can be extinguished with a fire extinguisher, water, sand, or a blanket.

Why is it dangerous to play in the house with matches and lighters? (1 point)

Playing with matches and lighters is a cause of fire.

What causes fires? (1 point)

Fires occur if fire safety rules are not followed: a TV, iron, gas stove, etc. are left unattended; if you play with matches, play around with fire.

What should you say when calling the fire department? (2 points)

You must provide your exact address, last name, first name and what is burning.

What should you do if there is a lot of smoke in the apartment? (2 points)

It is necessary to wet your clothes with water, cover your head with a wet napkin, breathe through the wetted cloth, and crawl towards the exit.

What will you do if you see that the lower floors of the house are engulfed in flames? (2 points)

Wet your clothes and everything around you, wait for help. You should not try to run out of the house if you live on the upper floors. After walking two or three floors, you can be poisoned by combustion products.

Why can't you use the elevator during a fire? (2 points)

During a fire, an elevator is a real chimney in which it is easy to suffocate. In addition, in the event of a fire, it may turn off.

Why is a stove in a country house dangerous? (2 points)

In a village or country house, children should not approach the stove or open the stove door in the absence of adults. A leaking ember can cause a house to catch fire.

Why can’t you touch the stove damper without adult permission? (2 points)

If the stove damper is closed prematurely, carbon monoxide will accumulate in the house and you can suffocate.

Can an artificial Christmas tree catch fire? (2 points)

An artificial tree may catch fire. True, an artificial Christmas tree does not burn as quickly as a real one, but burning plastic releases toxic substances.

You were given wonderful fireworks and sparklers for the New Year. Where will you be rocking? (2 points)

Fireworks, candles, sparklers can only be lit with adults and away from the Christmas tree, or even better, outside the house.

Quiz game “Safety Rules Experts” for children of the preparatory group

Quiz game

“Experts of safety rules” for children of the preparatory group

Goal: Conduct a quiz game to reinforce the rules of safe behavior.

Program content:

1. To form children’s ideas about safe behavior in various situations. Bring children to understand the need to follow the rules of safe behavior. Summarize and consolidate existing knowledge and skills of safe behavior in the main sections ( Road Safety

" Safety of one's own life"

2. To develop in children logical thinking, attention, intelligence, ability to reason, and draw conclusions.

3. Improve communication skills: the ability to negotiate, establish dialogical communication in a joint game, distribute responsibilities, and the ability to work in a team.

GCD move:

Dear ones, my children. You have become so big, already in the preparatory group. Very soon you will go to school. Your parents will not always be able to be there, take you to school and meet you. Sometimes you will have to be home alone or go home alone. To prevent trouble from happening to you at such moments, what should you do? (follow the rules of safe behavior )


Do you know these rules well? Maybe we can check? To make it more interesting and fun, I suggest dividing into two teams. Team "Pedestrians" and Team "Rescuers"

Task No. 1


. The main thing here is speed. In this task, I will give chips for the correct answer. The team with the most chips will receive a circle.

1. Part of the road along which pedestrians move (sidewalk)

2. What is prohibited for children to play to avoid a fire in the forest? (with matches)

3. The name of what animal do we remember when we cross the road? (bear, zebra or badger)

4. Where it is allowed to ride a bicycle (in specially designated places or where there is a special sign “bicycle path”


5. On the street, a dog began to bark at you and attack you. Which way should you run: left or right? (Don’t run! You need to freeze in one place, stretch your arms along your body and lower your eyes)

6. Part of the road along which vehicles move (roadway.)

7. At home you found sparklers that your parents bought for the New Year. Where will you light them? On the street or in the apartment? (Nowhere. You can’t light them without adults)

Task No. 2

"Guess a riddle"

Now I will tell you riddles, and you listen carefully. Team "Pedestrians" begins

1. A coal fell on the floor and lit the wooden floor. Don’t look. Don’t wait, don’t stand, but fill it with... (water). 2. Kids and adults know the stripes. Everyone knows them. Pedestrian... leads us across the road. (transition)

3. If little sisters light matches at home, what should you do? Immediately those matches... (take away).

4. I saw children on the sign - Slow down quickly. What these signs mean is that people often walk here... (children) The “Rescuers” team continues, listening carefully.

1. What happens when birds light matches at home? (fire)

2. “We must drive carefully,” the road sign tells us. In the triangle, guys, there is a Man standing with a shovel! (Men at work)

3. Who is the three-eyed, one-legged one blinking at us by the road? The red eye stares straight ahead, “Stop!” - signal... (traffic light)

4. The car will refuel here. Drink three buckets of gasoline. Help each car. If it is thirsty... (gas station) Well done, guys! You solve riddles very well.

Task No. 3

And now tasks for team captains “Answer quickly” (the teacher asks questions one by one). Questions: To the captain of the “Pedestrians” team

1. The sounding instrument of a traffic police officer?... (whistle)

2. People walk and drive along it...(road)

3. The name of what animal do we remember when we cross the road? (zebra)

4. Workplace of the car driver (cabin).

5. Where is sledding or skiing allowed...(in specially designated areas)

Presenter: The captain of the “Rescue” team continues

1. Traffic controller... (traffic police inspector)

2. Both the car and the bird have... (wing)

3. Part of the road along which vehicles move. (roadway.)

4. A device that plays an important role in regulating traffic. (traffic light.)

5. People of the heroic profession, passing through “fire, water and copper pipes.” (firefighters.)

Task No. 4

Outdoor game "Traffic Light"

The presenter shows the traffic lights: red - we are standing, yellow - we are walking in place, green - we look around, only then we go. Gradually, the teacher increases the pace of the game, trying to confuse the children.

Task No. 5

"Find Danger"

The teams are given sheets with pictures of dangerous and non-dangerous objects. Dangerous items should be marked with an exclamation mark. Explain why these items are dangerous.

Task No. 6 “Situation”

1. So, imagine you are walking. Your grandmother came up to you and asked you to help carry your bag to the neighboring house. What will you do?

2. You are alone at home, the phone rang: “Hello, whose apartment is this, are you alone at home? What is your address?"

. What will you answer?

Children, our game is over. Did you like it? What new did you learn? Did you encounter any difficulties while completing tasks? Now I know that you will follow the rules of safe behavior.

Summarizing. Team awards.

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