Final integrated lesson in the middle group “Travel with Kolobok”



1 Municipal state -owned preschool educational institution of a kindergarten of a combined type 12 “Alyonushka” G. Mineralny waters Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the world in the middle group on the topic: “Wintering birds” Educator: Grigorovskaya Tatyana Sergeevna software tasks: Mineral waters 2022 2022

2 Educational: — Clarify and expand children’s knowledge about winter natural phenomena, their relationship with human life. — Continue to teach children to answer questions with extended sentences. Enrich and activate children's vocabulary on this topic. — Strengthen children’s ability to solve riddles. — Teach children to select attribute words for objects; — Continue to teach children to make simple inferences. Developmental: - Develop thinking, auditory and visual attention, connected speech, memory, fine motor skills. — Develop creative imagination and a sense of empathy. — Develop communication skills, the ability to behave in a team, and coordinate your actions with the actions of other children in games. Educational: - To cultivate interest in the study of nature, love for it, the ability to see the beauty of the world around us; — Foster a caring attitude towards wintering birds, a desire to help them in difficult winter conditions. — Develop the ability to listen carefully and not interrupt others. — Foster the ability to enjoy the results of joint activities with your comrades. Equipment and materials: envelope, snowflakes, pictures and silhouettes of wintering birds, feeder, bird food, projector and screen. Activation of vocabulary: food, feeding trough, cold, hungry, wintering. Integration of educational areas - Cognitive development, - Speech development, - Artistic and aesthetic development, - Physical development, - Social and communicative development. Types of activities: Gaming, communicative, motor, productive, cognitive. Methods and techniques: conversations, questions, riddles, visualization, artistic expression, use of ICT, working with a mnemonic table, surprise moment, reflection, indirect prompt from the teacher. Venue MKDOU kindergarten 33 "Rainbow". Progress of the lesson

3 1. Organizational moment. "Circle of Goodness" Children, let us stand in a circle, hold hands, smile and greet each other. (children stand in a circle, touching their palms to each other and say words) Good morning and smile to everyone, Bow to your friends on the right and left, Let's be friends, always help everyone, do you agree? Answer me (Yes) 2. Main part. Guys, guess the riddle: “We are different in color. You will meet us in winter and summer, If we flap our wings, We will be in the blue sky, Croaking, singing and cooing. Feed us in winter Children, who is this? Tell!" (Birds) Educator: Do you want to listen to the voices of wintering birds? (I turn on the video, there is silence.) Educator: What’s happening? What's happened? (children's answers) (Baba Yaga appears on the screen). Baba Yaga: I enchanted all the birds, took away their color and voice, to bring them back again, try a little. I left an envelope with assignments in the group. Complete them. Only then will I be able to disenchant your birds. Educator: Guys! Do you want to help our birds? (children's answers) Well, then go ahead and complete the tasks from Baba Yaga. (Children look for the envelope, find snowflakes-tasks in it) Task 1: Game “Who Arrived” - The guys will help you with the tasks with riddles. (The teacher asks riddles, the children guess and the image of the bird is found and placed on the board) - This little bird wears a gray shirt,

4 Quickly picks up crumbs And escapes from the cat (sparrow) - At least smaller than a sparrow, I’m not afraid of winter either, a bird you all know. And my name is... (titmouse) - What kind of birds? Not tits. The breast is scarlet, burning Birds perched in the snow These birds... (bullfinches) - That gray-black bird, They say, no way, a singer. Like, when he stops croaking, he imitates songbirds. (crow) Educator: That's how many wintering birds you know. Guys, despite the fact that wintering birds are hardy, it is still very difficult for them in winter. Why? Children's answer (coldly) Relaxation Imagine that you have a frozen bird in your hands. (expression of surprise, disappointment) Let's fold our palms as if we were holding a bird, breathe on it to warm it, press it to our chest, stroke its head. (expression of joy). Let's release our birds into the wild. B. Yaga appears (well done with the first task, but the birds are not only cold in winter, but also hungry, and hungry birds will not sing to you) Therefore, complete the next task. Task 2 “Bird's canteen” This is the kind of bird's canteen we have in our group - What is it? (feeder) -What birds flew to our feeder? (children's answer) Educator: Guys, in this task Baba Yaga wants us to remember what birds eat. Do you know what birds eat? (children's answer) Let's guys choose food for the birds. The teacher invites the children to feed the birds (put plates of food in the feeder. At the same time, discussing with the children what food which birds prefer - Which bird likes crumbs and grains? (sparrows) Lard is a favorite delicacy for tits Rowan berries for bullfinches

5 Crows love candy very well. Well done guys, they did a good job, now let's have a rest. Fizminutka A nimble tit is jumping A nimble tit is jumping, (Jumping in place on two legs.) She can’t sit still, (Jumping in place on the left leg.) Jump-jump, jump-jump, (Jumping in place on the right leg.) Spun around like a top. (We spin around in place.) So she sat down for a minute, (Squatted down.) Scratched her chest with her beak, (Standed up, tilted her head left and right.) And from the path to the fence, (waving her arms.) Tiri-tiri, Shadow-shadow-shadow! Educator: But while you were flying, your beautiful feathers scattered. Breathing exercises “Feathers” Children take feathers, put them on their palms and blow in different directions. Baba Yaga appears on the screen, well done guys and you completed this task. Okay, I'll have to keep my promise. I return the voices to the birds, but you will return the color yourself. (Bird Voices sound effect). Guys, go to the table, take a colored bird and match the silhouette to this bird. And glue it. Educator: Well done guys, they returned the color to all the birds. Reflection Educator: I invite everyone to our circle to remember what we learned new today. -What did we do in class today? The children's answer was that they helped wintering birds. -How did we help wintering birds? Answer: The children were fed, warmed, and regained their voice and color. - What did you like most about the lesson? Children's answer. Educator: Our lesson is over. When you go outside for a walk, I suggest you hang a bird feeder in your area.

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