Open physical education lesson in the middle group “Journey to the Forest”

Open physical education lesson in the middle group “Journey to the Forest”

Objectives : repeat walking in a column one at a time, develop eye control and rhythm when stepping over the bars; practice rolling the ball in a straight direction and climbing in an arc.

Children in sports uniform walk around the hall to the music and sit on chairs.

Ved .: Guys, today we will go for a walk in the forest. And our walk will not be easy, it will be sporty. Shall we go and check if the forest animals are engaged in sports? Guys, what if they don’t play sports? Will we teach them?

Children : yes, yes.

Ved. : Why do you need to do exercises and exercise in the morning?

(children's answers).

Ved. : Well, before we go through the forest, we need to greet him.

Forest, red forest,

Sky, clear sky

Let's shout loudly kids

Our physical education - hooray!

(They walk in a circle).

Ved .: We walk along the path and hold our backs. We walk, we walk, we raise our legs higher. Turns the head - left and right, look. Deftly raise the handle and pick an apple (we jump up, imitate that we pick an apple). The apple is delicious, sweet, filling. Then together we walk, we walk, we walk. There is a row of trees in front of us - we will go “snake” and go around all the trees. We walked around the trees and continued along the level path. The leaves rustle under our feet (we rake the leaves with our feet). There are bumps on our way, we will jump over them in an hour (jumping on two legs).

Ved .: Here we are in the forest, sit down on the stumps and let’s rest. Look how beautiful it is in the forest. Guys, tell me what animals live in the forest? (children’s answers).

(A voice is heard, a bunny approaches).

Hare. One jump, two jump

And again squat.

And then jump again

And again squat.

Hello guys. Why did they come to our forest?

Ved. : Bunny, hello. The guys and I came to visit you to find out if the forest dwellers do exercises in the morning and if they play sports at all?

Hare . Of course, we play sports. Do you see how strong my legs are? Yes, I’ll show you now, get up on your feet together and repeat after me.

(warm-up with a bunny to music).

Ved.: Well done, bunny. We see that you are strong and athletic.

Hare . Look, Mishka is coming. He also likes to play sports.

(Mishka comes out).

Bear. I am a strict owner of the forest.

I like to sleep in a den in winter.

I do sports

I'm gaining strength.

Ved . : Bear, the guys also play sports. And are able to pass any test. We'll show you everything you want.

Bear. Here's your first test. There was a strong wind in the forest. I broke a lot of branches - here’s your task, you need to jump over all the branches on two legs.

(Children perform jumps on two legs over gymnastic sticks one after another, in a continuous manner - 3 times).

Bear . Well done boys. We completed the task. Here's your second test. To get to the mushroom meadow, you need to crawl carefully under a huge log that lies on the path. Can you handle it?

Ved.: Of course we can handle it, Mishka.

(Children crawl under the arc)

Bear. Well done. We forest dwellers also love to play with a ball and throw it to each other. Do you know how?

(children's answers).

(Children divide into pairs and throw balls to each other.)

Ved.: Bear, maybe you can play an interesting game with us now?

Bear . Of course we’ll play the game “Bear in the Forest.”

Ved .: We passed all the tests, played the game, learned what we wanted - and now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Goodbye Mishka, Bunny.

(Children stand in a circle, walk to the music and sit on chairs.

Ved .: Guys, did you like it in the forest? Who did we meet there? Why did you and I go there, what did you want to find out? Guys, our lesson is over, you can return to the group.

Summary of a lesson on physical development in the middle group using cards-schemes

Summary of GCD

In physical education in the middle group


Development of the motor system of children.



to develop in children the ability to independently organize and perform basic types of movements, schematically indicated on special cards (diagrams); exercise children in walking and completing tasks at the teacher’s signal; repeat exercises with the ball; train children to jump on two legs; train children to crawl on their stomachs on a bench; to train children in maintaining stable balance when walking on elevated support; motivate children to be physically active through the use of non-traditional equipment.


develop visual and auditory attention; develop agility and endurance; develop coordination of movements; develop in children the ability to predict their actions, to demonstrate persistence aimed at achieving their goals; develop initiative in each child, the desire to complete the task as best as possible.


instill in children a caring attitude towards their health; instill in children a desire to engage in physical education.


tambourine; ball basket; balls (according to the number of children); short jump rope; gymnastics board; mat; gymnastic bench; hoops (6 pieces); cards-schemes with ATS (A4 format).

Progress of the lesson

1 introductory part.

Walking in a column one at a time. Walking and running after the teacher while completing tasks.

At the teacher’s signal: “Horses!” - children walk, raising their knees high, hands on the belt (average pace), transition to normal walking. On the signal: “Mice!” walking on toes, hands behind head. Walking and running in all directions.

Breathing exercises “Ball”

Walking in a column, one after another, children raise their hands up and inhale through their noses. They exhale, lower their hands down, bend over and say “ball.”

(3-4 rubles)

2 main part.

(Children, at the teacher’s signal, line up in two lines)

A) General developmental exercises

a ball.
1. I. p. - stand with your feet as wide as your feet, ball down. Rising on your toes, the ball up; return to the starting position (5-6 times).

2. I. p. - stand with feet shoulder-width apart, ball down. Ball up; tilt to the right (left), straighten up, return to the starting position (6 times).

3. I. p. - stand with your feet as wide as your feet, holding the ball in bent arms near your chest. Sit down, bring the ball forward, arms straight; rise, return to the starting position (5-6 times).

4. I.P. – feet together, ball down. Jump legs apart, ball up; return to the starting position (5-6 times).

5. I. p. - lying on your back, legs straight, ball behind your head. Raise your right (left) straight leg, touch the ball to your knee, lower your leg; return to the starting position (6 times).

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Open physical education classes in the middle group

Physical education instructor Grotskaya N.S.

Goal: Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle through the use of health-saving technologies.


  1. promote the overall health of the child’s body;
  2. train children to jump from hoop to hoop while moving forward on two legs;
  3. consolidate the skill of crawling under an arc with support on your palms and knees;
  4. promote the development of respiratory muscles;
  5. improve fine and gross motor skills;
  6. create conditions for the development of the child’s emotional sphere;
  7. cultivate attention, dexterity, coordination of movements and initiative throughout the lesson.
  8. Teach chair exercises

Equipment. Chairs (according to the number of children), hoops (5 pieces), gymnastic arch, tambourine.

Preliminary work:

The children and the teacher go to the bedroom, at which time the chairs are moved from the group room to the gym.

Motivational moment:

Educator: Has something changed here?


Educator: So what should we do, where should we look for our chairs?


Educator: Maybe we can call? Here's my phone number, but who should I call guys?


Educator: Let's call the manager, hello, have you seen our chairs?

The answer is no, I haven’t seen it

Educator: We call our physical. Instructor Natalya Sergeevna, maybe she saw

Instructor: Yes, I have chairs here, maybe these are yours, come to physical education class, and we will find out whose chairs these are.

Children enter the hall and recognize their chairs

Instructor: So these are your chairs, how did you know? I’m glad that you came to me and found your chairs, but I suggest you study, what do you think of this idea?

We form a column one after another, marching around the hall

2. Main part

Instructor: Stand still one, two

Now let’s take our chairs and stand in a circle, standing behind the back like I do. Now we will do some exercises for your eyes. Repeat after me

Ophthalmic pause

Rain, rain, more rain. (Look up)

Drip, don’t regret the drops. (Look down)

Just don’t kill us (Circular movements with eyes)

Don’t knock on the window in vain (They blink their eyes)

Instructor: Did you know that with the help of chairs you can perform interesting exercises that will strengthen our health, sit on the chairs and I will show you how to do it.

Outdoor switchgear with chairs.

  1. “Catching a good mood . I.p. sitting, back pressed against the back of the chair, arms together behind the back, head straight. 1 – inhale arms through the sides up, say “caught” ; 2 exhale – i.p.
  2. “Strengthening the abdominal muscles . I.p. the same, hands resting behind, legs apart. 1- arms through the sides up, 2- tilt to the right leg; 3 – I.p. The same for the left leg.
  3. “Let’s tighten the back” I. p.: standing behind the back of the chair, hands on the belt. Arms to the sides, bend over, touch the palms of your hands to the seat of the chair, straighten up, return to i. P.
  4. “Strengthening the legs” I. p.: standing behind the back of a chair, heels together, toes apart, hands holding on to the back of the chair. Sit down, spread your knees to the sides, straight back, stand up, return to i. P.
  5. “High jumps” IP: standing sideways to a chair, legs slightly apart, arms down. 10-15 rub. bouncing in place and walking around the chair.


Instructor: And now we will do a few more tasks for our legs and find out how flexible you are, are you ready?

  1. Jumping from hoop to hoop
  2. Crawling under an arc on all fours.

Instructor: You can also play interestingly with our chairs, and we will play

P/I "Frogs"

Instructor: There are 4 chairs at a distance of 3 meters; at the teacher’s command, the children begin to move forward like frogs. The child’s task is to be the first to jump to the chair and sit on it; the rest of the children drop out of the game.

Instructor: “Breathe quietly, calmly and smoothly”

I.p.: Sitting, your back is straight, it’s better to close your eyes.

Inhale slowly through your nose. When the chest begins to expand, stop inhaling and pause as long as you can. Then exhale smoothly through the nose.

Instructor: You can also improve your health with massage, I can teach you, would you like it?

Instructor Today I showed you how with the help of exercises on chairs and massage you can be strong and agile.

Guys, who can you teach to use chairs?

What did you like best about our lesson?

Can I keep your chairs for a while, I want to see if the older children can study with them?

Thank you, see you again.

Next >

Summary of GCD physical culture" in the middle group with elements of psycho-gymnastics ""In the Forest"

Samodurova Elena Nikolaevna

physical education instructor

MKDOU "D/s No. 27"

Korkino, Chelyabinsk region

Direct educational activity “Physical culture” with elements of psycho-gymnastics.

"In the forest"

Software content

e: strengthen children’s ability to walk and run in pairs; continue to teach climbing on the gymnastic wall; practice walking on a limited area of ​​support; cultivate a love of nature; sense of camaraderie; develop imagination and fantasy.


: board, cubes (height 6 cm); gymnastic wall; hoops; musical recording of birdsong.

Progress of the lesson

Introductory part.

The instructor invites the children to imagine themselves in the forest.

“Imagine this picture. Once upon a time there lived a Green Forest. It was not just the Green Forest, but the Singing Forest. The birches there sang the tender song of the birches, the oaks sang the ancient songs of the oaks. The river sang, the fontanel sang, but of course the birds sang loudest of all. The tits sang blue songs, and the robins sang crimson songs. And now we will go to this magical forest."

(a recording of birdsong is heard throughout the story).

I suggest we all go to this forest together.

We walk along the path that led us to a sunny meadow

– walking in a column one after another.

It's fun to walk together

- walking in pairs.

Here I met a mop

– children line up in a column one at a time, make a circle, holding hands.

There are bumps on the way

- sit down with your hands behind your head. Get up and continue walking.

Let's run through the clearings

- running in all directions.

Let's relax and breathe the forest air

– walking in a column one at a time while performing exercises to restore breathing.


. Guys, we have come to the Green Forest. Many different animals, insects and birds live here. I suggest you turn into forest dwellers.

Main part.

General developmental exercises without subjects “Forest Dwellers”

1. “Squirrel” - fast, agile, jumped from the tree and looks around.

I.p. – standing with your feet slightly apart, hands on your belt.

Turn left (right), rising on your toes 5-6 times.

2. “Bear” - she has lost her mischievous cubs, is looking for them, looking under the bushes.

I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

Tilt the body to the right (left) 5 times.

3. “Deer” - a beautiful, proud, slender deer came out into the clearing.

I.p. – o.s.

Raise your right (left) leg bent at the knee, raise your arms up above your head and cross them, spread your fingers 4 times.

4. “Bug” - a bug fell from a branch onto its back and cannot get up, although it works with all its legs.

I.p. - lying on your back.

Alternate flexion and extension of arms and legs 4-5 times.

5. “Hares” - nimble and dexterous little hares frolic in the clearing.

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