Tell poems with your hands Performed by Ignatenkova T.N. Ignatenkova T.N. teacher-speech therapist MBDOU DS 28 “Nadezhda” 2015. - presentation

Tell poems with your hands (finger gymnastics)

, teacher speech therapist

The article belongs to the section:

Working with preschoolers

The movements of a child's fingers and hands have a special developmental effect. The level of development of children's speech is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. As a rule, if finger movements are developed in accordance with age, then the child’s speech development is within normal limits. Therefore, training the movements of the fingers is the most important factor that stimulates the child’s speech development, helps improve articulatory motor skills, prepares the hand for writing, and is a powerful tool that increases the performance of the cerebral cortex.

This development uses finger games, accompanied by Orthodox poems for children, which is aimed at introducing them to Orthodox culture and moral education.

Children repeat poems after adults, accompanying speech with movements.

A guardian angel protects you, He knows all your secret thoughts, Good luck rejoices with you, And if you sin, he suffers and cries.

Clench and unclench your fists (1 line). Children pat the inside of their left palm with the fingertips of their right hand (lines 2, 3, 4).

God the Father, Christ the Savior, the Holy Spirit our Comforter, the Three Divine Persons, the Most Holy Trinity.

Clench your hand into a fist. Extend your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger. With the last phrase, touch your thumb and little finger to each other.

Boys and girls light candles. They place them in front of the icons with respect, with bows. And the prayers of all the guys are like candles burning.

Children bend their fingers and connect them with their nails. Then they sharply straighten their fingers and touch with their pads. Then again with nails, again with pads.

"Christ is risen! Christ is risen!" — A choir of angels from heaven sings. People sing and celebrate - Now He will be with us forever!

Bend your fingers to your palm one by one, starting with the little finger. Then touch all the others with your thumb. Simultaneously with the pronunciation of the last line of the verse, unclench your fist, spreading your fingers wide apart.

Church is a place for prayer, its doors are open to everyone. There are no more beautiful, joyful, brighter Orthodox churches!

Create an angle - a “roof” with the fingers of both hands, connecting them with pads at an angle (1, 2 lines). Children clasp the right hand with their left hand, and the left hand with their right hand. Then they squeeze them tightly.

The snail has its own home and always takes it with it. The mouse has a house in its hole! The hoopoe will sleep and eat in the hollow. And Christ the Savior has Heavenly abodes.

Clench your fingers into a fist. Extend your index finger and little finger. Moving forward, the “snail” moves its “antennae” (lines 1, 2, 3). At the same time, use the tips of the thumbs of your right and left hands to alternately touch the tips of your index, middle, ring and little fingers.

The beetle was scared - it was dark in the hole, it was scary for him to sink to the bottom. And our beetle came out and saw God’s light... In such light the beetle has no fear.

Children clasp the fingers of both hands and press with the pads of their fingers on the backs of their hands (lines 1, 2). Children bend their fingers and place their nails on the table. Then they take turns raising their hands above the table. Lower them and lightly press on the table (3, 4 lines).

No matter how strong the shield is, It can always be broken. But faith is the strongest shield, always carry it with you.

Children knock with the edge of their right palm on the inside of their left palm, then change hands (lines 1, 2). Children clench their fingers into fists. Then they press them tightly against each other, as if two fists are “fighting” (lines 3, 4).

A wonderful world was created by God. And there are so many wonderful things in it. But of all the miracles from century to century, man was created by God.

Children clasp four fingers of their left hand with their right hand and squeeze (lines 1, 2). Repeat, changing hands. Then the index and middle fingers of the right and left hands “walk” along the table.

I crossed my palms and bowed my head, Father looked with a smile - And he blessed me.

Fold the palms of your hands crosswise (1, 2 lines). Clench your hands into fists and unclench them (3, 4 lines).

From the bell tower there is a ringing, ringing - it is called Blagovest. Ring, my bell, ring. Call people to you, call them! Fly, fly the good news, That the temple is open and there is a service.

Shaking relaxed hands (1, 2 lines). Alternating tapping with the fist of one hand on the fists of the other (3, 4 lines). “Interlace” the fingers of both hands with each other, alternate raising and lowering the fingers.

Young friend, don’t be afraid of the blizzards, Let the frost crackle. You are saved if you have a Friend nearby - Jesus Christ.

The fingers of both hands (except the thumbs) are in the wicker basket position. Use your thumbs to perform joint, quick circular movements (1, 2 lines). Children clasp their fingers in a “lock”: the right and left fists open slightly and “put” into each other. Fingers squeeze. Then they stretch their arms in different directions.

The echo can be heard far away: “Echo, echo, ho – ho – ho...” The echo also loves to laugh.

Press the tip of the index finger of your right hand firmly into the pad of the thumb. Raise the remaining fingers up. The index finger makes a sharp forward movement and makes a strong click in the air. By analogy, click with the middle, ring and little fingers.

Literature used:
N. Orlova “ABC for Orthodox children” - M.: 2002. A. Stalbovsky “ABC for little Christians” - M.: 2002.
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Funny funny poems for children

Funny poem for children “About a hippopotamus”

Writer: S.Ya. Marshak

Mom and I agreed to wait for the day off and watch gi-gi-topama... No, gi-popo-toto-popama... No, gi-toto-popo-potama... Let mom speak for me!

We entered the open gate and the two of us ran to look at the hippopotamus. We call him that more often.

He doesn't know his own names. No matter what you call, He still doesn’t get out of the water, He lies like a wet log.

We were unlucky today with mom. We waited for him for a whole hour, but from the bottom of the deep hole he probably didn’t notice us.

He lay there, smooth and thick-skinned, with his head buried in the sand, looking like the skin of a ham in a huge bowl of soup.

For whole days He does not leave the reservoir - it is fresh there. — Does he have office hours? — We asked the guards.

— Yes, there are meal times. We feed him by the hour! - And suddenly, shining like a boot, the Hippopotamus himself stood up.

His brains must have gotten wet from the constant baths. The eyes are set in binoculars, and the mouth is open like a suitcase.

He looked around at his uninvited guests standing nearby, turned his back to the bars, bent down slightly - and plopped down!

I think the name of the hippopotamus is so difficult so that the watchman from the deep pit calls him less often...

Cool funny verse “From a cat’s point of view”

Writer: Nina Tarasova

From the Cat’s point of view, life is clear and simple:

Vovka’s dad exists to go to the Cat for fish, Because the fish themselves would not be able to jump into the bowl;

Vovka’s mom - well, so that she has someone to nap with while watching TV, And the fire brigade - so she can remove the Cat from the ledge;

An armchair - for tearing up the upholstery, a wardrobe - for hiding in,

Only Vovka exists, it’s not clear why.

He, according to the Cat, is very harmful to the tail! And decent Cats, you know, don’t have a hundred tails!

Funny verse "There are no ghosts"

Writer: Elena Evseeva

I will say for sure: Ghosts are fiction! That's for sure - nonsense! And nowhere and never:

Not on Tuesdays, not on Wednesdays, Not at the woman's, not at the grandfather's, Not at sea, not in the forest, Not at twelve o'clock

THERE ARE NO GHOSTS! Every schoolchild knows this. Even the wind howled... There were no ghosts...

And no one wants to scare us on a terrible dark night, After all, any ghost is just a misunderstanding!

And behind the closet... just... a shadow, But not a ghost... a ghost... A GHOST! Nonsense... delusion...

For-blue-de-no! THERE ARE NO GHOSTS!!! And no one there sighs... And no one there... not steps... You couldn’t even think!

And in the darkness... no one... prowls... Doesn't laugh... and doesn't whistle... And no one... there... not eyes... It's just for show-a-a-a-a!!!

Funny poem for children “Fifteen Fat Grandmothers”

Writer: Tatyana Shatskikh

Fifteen fat grandmothers stood at the fence, Fifteen fat grandmothers looked at Yegor.

And he wanted to jump over the fence like a bird. And he wanted, like a fly agaric, to fall through the ground.

Fifteen fat grandmothers did not offend Him, Fifteen fat grandmothers breathed in His face.

Why did he just offer to deliver Avoska? I wanted to take my grandmother across the road...

The Timurites have disappeared, apparently in Rus'. Who are they? Ask your grandmother.

Funny verse Offended briefcase

Writer: Vera Kapustina

The briefcase grumbled offendedly: “So-and-so!” Slacker! Where did he go without me? Today is Monday!

He took the ball and immediately over the threshold, he threw me under the bed. All! We were late for class. Now we get a two.

It happened that he would leave me on the way, - I fly anywhere. But not going to school... This never happened!

Let it not be my fault, - I worry too much. And he ran away - and at least he didn't care. This is how to serve the boys!

It’s already evening outside the window, - Everyone is wearing it somewhere! The briefcase did not yet know that summer had come.

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