“Home Alone” synopsis of the educational activity based on the example OOPDO “Childhood”

Life safety lesson in the preparatory group: “Home Alone”

Lesson objectives:

•Teach children safety rules for staying at home if the child is left alone at home.

•Introduce the rules for handling household appliances, sharp objects, and medications.

•Development of independence in making the right decisions and responsibility for their behavior in children of senior preschool age.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the group and sit down.

Educator: Hello, guys! Today we will talk about various unpleasant situations that children find themselves in when they are left at home alone. We will talk about how you need to behave in order to avoid getting into trouble, and what to do if something unusual happens that you have not encountered before.

The topic of our lesson: “Home Alone.” And our main characters will help us today: Yulia and Nastya, they are neighbors and live on the same landing. Yulia is already big, and she is in the 5th grade, and Nastenka will soon go to school. The girls are not only neighbors, they are real friends. They visit each other, play, watch cartoons. For some reason, quite often, Nastenka ends up in different stories, and Yulia saves her all the time. Now you will see everything for yourself. Here is our heroine Nastenka. Her grandmother went to the grocery store and left her granddaughter alone at home, and we’ll see what she’s doing now.

On the “stage” there is a homely environment: a sofa, dolls, and a TV on the nightstand.

Nastenka plays with a doll.

Nastenka: Oh, Katenka, look at what an ugly dress you have. How are you going to visit? Well, don’t be upset, I’ll decorate it now (the girl takes out a box with needles, lace, braid, pins).

Nastenka: First you need to iron the cloth and ribbons (he goes to iron and leaves the iron plugged in).

Now I will cut the ribbons and make beautiful bows.

Oh, I scattered the needles, well, okay, I’ll collect them later. What beautiful beads, but where are the scissors? (cuts a piece of ribbon and wants to sew it on). Now I’ll take a needle (it hurts my finger). Nastenka: Oh, oh, oh, how it hurts! Nasty needles, because of you I’m bleeding. That’s it, Katenka, if you don’t go to visit, you won’t have a beautiful dress.

Educator: Guys, what do you think, are the needles or Nastenka herself to blame for this situation?

(Children's answers).

The teacher invites the children to show SHARP OBJECTS at the stand and explain why they are dangerous. (Pictures depicting sharp objects (needle, pins, knives, scissors, broken glass shards, cactus, knitting needles, fork, buttons, etc.).

Child: It’s unpleasant to sit on the button. You might hurt your butt. Keep the house in order: Forks, scissors, knives, And needles, and pins, You put them in their place!

The doorbell rings.

Nastenka: Oh, grandma is back! (runs to open the door).

Yulia comes in and says from the doorway: Nastenka, why don’t you look through the peephole again? I already told you that you don’t have to open the door right away. You have to look or ask: “Who?” Maybe it’s not me or my grandmother, but some bad uncle.

Educator: Yes, guys, you can’t open the door to a stranger, no matter how much he imagines himself, even as a police officer.

Educator: How to behave when you approach your apartment, and the door is ajar or the lock is broken, and you see or hear that there are strangers in the apartment? Sasha: Don't let your uncle into the house if he doesn't know you!

And don’t tell your aunt if your mom is at work.

After all, the criminal, he is cunning, will pretend to be a fitter.

Or he will even say that the postman has come to you.

So that you are not robbed, captured, stolen,

Don't trust strangers, close the door tight!

There is an attraction “Who is faster? "

A team of 5 people takes turns closing all the locks on the table and dialing the phone number “02”, the team whose time is the best wins.

Julia: Nastenka, what’s wrong with your finger? Are you bleeding?

Nastenka: I hurt my finger with a needle.

Julia: It’s good that we have a new subject in life safety at school.

Nastenka: What is this?

Julia: Fundamentals of life safety. There I learned a lot of interesting and useful things. For example, how to provide first aid, now I will help you.

Educator: Guys, what do you think should be done in such cases?

(Children's answers).

Educator: That's right, children. We must provide first aid. For this you need a first aid kit. What should be in this first aid kit? I suggest you (2 people) collect a first aid kit and tell everyone about its contents.

There is an attraction: “Pack a first aid kit” for first aid.

Educator: This is the kind of first aid kit that should be in every home: and used when you need to provide help to someone before the doctors arrive.

Yulia bandages Nastenka's finger.

Julia: Well, now everything is in order. Nastenka, let's watch a cartoon.

Nastenka: Yulia, look, there are so many beautiful, colorful peas in the medicine cabinet. It's probably vitamins, let's try it.

Julia: What are you talking about! These are medicines, is it possible? If you eat the pills, you can get poisoned and end up in the hospital.

Nastenka: You can’t even have one little thing?

Julia: You can’t even have one!

Nastenka: Does my grandmother sometimes drink several drinks at once and nothing?

Yulia: They take medicine when something hurts and what the doctor prescribed. Well, that's it, let's put away the medications and go watch the cartoon.

Julia turns on the TV and suddenly the phone rings.

Nastenka picks up the phone: “Hello! "

Voice on the phone: Hello, baby. What is your name? Do you have any favorite toys? What is your favorite toy to play with? Who bought it for you? Where is your mom (dad?) Who do you love most? And when is mommy coming? Where does your mom (dad) work? And where did your grandmother go? And I’m your mom’s friend, she and I studied together . And I came from another city, and your mother did not meet me. Tell me, Nastenka, how to get to you? I forgot your address. What street do you live on?

Nastenka: And I remember my address: Pervomaiskaya street, house..., apartment....

Teacher, addressing the children: Guys, this aunt was most likely a cunning criminal. Having entered the apartment, she could have tied up the child, and then collected all the valuables and run away. It turns out that not only a doorbell, but also a telephone call can be dangerous. REMEMBER! When you are home alone, you should not engage in a telephone conversation with someone you don’t know. Say that parents are at work and give your home address. You need to silently, without answering any questions, hang up. And, most importantly, any call from a stranger should be immediately reported to your parents or neighbors you know.

Yulia: Nastenka, I think that nothing else will happen to you, and we can watch a cartoon (the girls sit down to the TV).

Yulia: Nastenka, don’t you think it smells burnt?

Nastenka: I completely forgot to turn off the iron! (runs to the iron, and Julia pulls her hand).

Julia: Fire! Nastenka, let’s run to the neighbors, let them call the firefighters!

(Children run behind the screen).

Educator: I suggest you look at the pictures and find on them household appliances plugged into the socket (TV, microwave oven, iron, coffee maker, computer, tape recorder, electric kettle, refrigerator, stereo system, etc.).

(Children complete the task).

Educator: You see, children, sometimes our helpers can be DANGEROUS! But in such a situation, brave firefighters will always come to the rescue. Well, guys, you've seen what can happen when you're left at home alone. I hope you remember how to behave in these difficult situations. What to do to avoid them. And most importantly: Remember! In any emergency, always tell adults: parents, neighbors or special services: fire department, police, ambulance, and they will always come to your aid! And as a souvenir of today’s lesson, I will give you reminders with telephone numbers of special services (small books).

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“If you are alone at home” (Playing out situations)

«If you're alone at home»

(Playing out situations)


Teaching children the basics of personal safety.


— Strengthen children’s knowledge about the rules of safe behavior at home

, the ability to correctly and quickly report danger.

— To train children in the ability to make decisions correctly and quickly in an extreme situation.

— Activate the speech and mental activity of children. To promote the ability to clearly and competently formulate one’s thoughts, the ability to explain one’s own behavior.

— Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health.

— Cultivate courage, resourcefulness, determination.

Progress of the training game



Organizing time.

Guys, we live in a modern and complex world. Life, no matter how difficult it can be at times, is wonderful. No wonder we all value her. However, there are many dangers in the world that await people on their path in life. In order to

To protect yourself in this or that difficult situation or avoid it altogether, you must know what emergency situations exist and how to behave if trouble happens.
But first of all, you should know that in any emergency you need to call the rescue service 01 or 112 (from a mobile phone)
. And rescuers will always come to your aid.

. Conversation. Analysis of emergency situations.

Now we will look at several emergency situations.

— What dangerous situations can happen to you at home? (fire, electric shock, uninvited strangers, etc.)

— What do you think are the main causes of fires?


— careless handling of fire;

— violation of fire safety rules when using electrical appliances, as well as when

furnace fireboxes;

- children's prank with fire.

— How should you behave in the event of a fire?

- Your actions should be as follows:

- if a fire occurs, call 01 or 112 (from a mobile phone, providing the exact address and what is burning;

- if there are adults nearby, call them for help;

- if the room is filled with acrid smoke, cover your nose and mouth with a wet rag, bend down to the floor and urgently leave the room (when making your way through the smoke to the exit, you need to move along the walls to

do not lose direction);

- there is no need to open doors or windows into a burning room, otherwise a stream of air will rush there, which serves as “food”

for fire. Without air, the fire will not spread much;

- if you find yourself cut off by fire or smoke, close the doors tightly, caulk all the cracks with wet rags and clothes, open a window or vent and give signs of help to the arriving firefighters.

— Do you know the rules for safe handling of electrical devices? If handled improperly, they can cause a fire.

1. — Let’s solve
situational problems
. Which guy is doing the right thing?

Task No. 1

The table lamp was very bright. Olya took a sheet of colored paper and applied it to the lampshade. The light became soft, it was
to look at the pictures of your favorite book.

Problem No. 2

. Yura knows the procedure for connecting electrical appliances to the network: first, he connects the cord to the device, and then to the network.

Task No. 3.

Sonya was washing the dishes and suddenly remembered that her favorite TV show was starting. She ran into the room to insert the plug into the socket with damp hands.

Task No. 4.

Ira ironed the clothes and placed the iron on a special fireproof stand.

2, 4)

Physical exercise.

— There are many other situations besides fires. Let's look at them briefly.

2. “Home Alone” .

Here we will spend

plot-role-playing game
“Home Alone”

The children are given situations on the cards to act out scenes. And the audience must comment on the actions of the participants, justify how correct they were.

Situation 1.

Vasya is home alone.
The phone rings. The boy picks up the phone and hears an unfamiliar voice: “Hello, are your parents at home?
When will they be back? .

Vasya’s answer: “Yes, at home, but they are busy. What should I give them? Who and where should I call back?”


Situation 2.

Alina is home alone. Ring (knock)

in the door.
She looks through the peephole, sees a stranger, asks: “Who’s there?”
The answer was: “Open up, police! The person is feeling unwell, we’ll call an ambulance for you.”


Alina’s answer: “Tell me what happened, what address, I’ll do everything myself.”

The boy goes to the phone and calls
an ambulance

Situation 3. Sasha is alone at home. Someone is trying to open the door with a key. Sasha asks: “Who’s there?”


The answer was: “Plumbers! We are checking the heating system!”


Sasha’s answer: “I don’t know anything. Dad will be back from work in an hour, then come over."


They continue to open the door with the key. Then Sasha quickly barricades the door with improvised objects, calls 02, then runs to the window and asks for help.

Well done guys, you commented correctly on these possible situations.

Security in the apartment.

If you find yourself at home alone

and the doorbell rings for you - don’t rush to open it, look through the peephole first, if you don’t know the person - don’t open it, move away from the door and call your parents at work.

If unknown persons are breaking into your apartment, immediately raise the alarm: call the police (02)

or immediately to the rescue service.
Break the window, shout to people “Fire!”
(this attracts attention better, hit the battery with heavy objects, shout.

3. Situation
“Caution gas!”
Guys, imagine that you are home alone and you smell gas. What are you going to do? The children answer, and the teacher then summarizes and complements the answers.

If you smell gas in your apartment:

- do not turn on the light or light matches;


whether the taps on the gas stove are closed;

- open the windows and ventilate the apartment


- immediately call the gas service number - 04 or the rescue service - 01 or 112 (from a mobile phone)



. Consolidation.

— What dangerous situations can happen to us at home?

-Where should we report first?

— What emergency phone numbers do you know?

— What, in your opinion, is the main thing in human behavior in emergency situations?


Bottom line.

- What conclusion can be drawn from all this?

— Why is it necessary to know and follow all the rules of safe behavior at home?

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